Why Choose Polyester Acoustic Panels?

Dec. 02, 2020

It is mainly used in theaters, concert halls, museums, exhibition halls, libraries, galleries, hospitals, shopping malls, schools, conference rooms, studios, recording studios, KTV rooms, bars, industrial plants, home noise reduction, and other places with high requirements for the acoustic environment and high-grade decoration.

Polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels are an ideal sound-absorbing decorative material. The raw material is 100% polyester fiber, with sound absorption, environmental protection, flame retardant, heat insulation, thermal insulation, moisture-proof, mildew-proof, easy dust removal, easy cutting, can be mosaic, easy construction, good stability, good impact resistance, good independence, cost-effective advantages, there are a variety of colors to choose from, can meet the different styles and levels of attraction of the decorative needs.

Advantages of Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel

1. Environmental protection: It is UV resistant, radiation-free, antibacterial, does not contain formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and other harmful substances, and conforms to national environmental standards. It is non-toxic and odorless after decoration and can be moved in immediately.

2. Uniqueness: The product is made of wood fiber mixed with polyester and injection molded by heating and fusion, no materials containing benzene, formaldehyde, cyanide, and other harmful substances are used, eliminating the pollution of decoration, no maintenance, and repair, no pollution, no pollution, no pollution, and has the characteristics of sound absorption and energy saving.

3.Stability: The product is anti-aging, waterproof, moisture-proof, mildew-proof, anti-corrosion, anti-moth-eaten, anti-termite, effective flame retardant, weather-resistant, anti-aging, and thermal insulation and energy-saving, and can be used for a long time in outdoor environments with large changes in weather patterns, without deterioration, brittleness or decay.

Polyester Acoustic Panels

4. Safety: The product has the characteristics of "long-term use in the water", high strength and water resistance, strong impact resistance, and no cracking.

5. Comfort: The product is soundproof, insulating, oil-resistant, anti-static.

Authenticity: The appearance of the product is natural, beautiful, elegant, chic, with a solid wood texture and natural texture, a return to the simplicity of nature, focusing on design and product materials, detail texture and color texture application, operating in the oriental space "to create a realm for the heart" vibrant sense of life and vitality of wood and the spiritual environment. The products can also be designed in different forms to create a unique effect that reflects the aesthetics of modern architecture and materials.

How to install polyester sound-absorbing panels?

1.according to the decoration before the design of the effect of selected polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels, as well as the layout of polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels. As the company's production of polyester fiber sound-absorbing board color series is more if the choice is not good, prone to slight color difference.

2.in the installation of polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels, it is best to bring a pair of gloves to avoid dirty polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels. At the same time, when pasting, it is best to draw a cross line to its center point to paste the board.

3.in cutting polyester fiber sound-absorbing panels, we should use a steel ruler and sharp knife to cut or modify accordingly, to reduce the seam, can be in the cutting can be tilted inward blade 0.5 ~ 1mm, to facilitate the board edge butt, to reduce the gap.

4.As for the pasteboard surface, the decoration method, and way for different substrates are also different. For example, cement or wood base surface, use non-benzene adhesive or white latex to paste. [1]