How to Remove Stains on the Wool Carpet

Nov. 09, 2020

Ways to remove stains:

1. Use a damp cloth to soak up the stain on the wool carpet. Water-soluble stains are the easiest to deal with because they can be dissolved in water. Such stains include food coloring, soda, milk, and most alcoholic beverages. First, moisten a rag or paper towel with a little warm water, and then press it firmly on the stain. Warm water will help absorb some of the stains. It is best to deal with the stain as soon as possible, otherwise, once it dries, it will be more difficult to absorb with a rag.

2. Pour 1⁄4 teaspoon of non-bleaching detergent or vinegar into about 1 liter of water. Mix them well. This homemade cleaning fluid is suitable for removing water-soluble stains.

3. Wipe the cleaning fluid on the stain. Take a new rag and soak it in the solution and place it on the stain. Just put it on or gently press the stain to make sure that the rag touches all the stains.

Wool Carpet

You can use the bumps on the back of the spoon to smooth and press the cloth. This will apply pressure smoothly without spreading stains.

4. Soak up the stain again with paper towels. Now that the cleaning solution has penetrated into the stain, remove the rag, and use a paper towel to absorb the stain again. This cleaning fluid can make stains fall off, so the second time should be able to effectively absorb more stains

5. Rinse with warm water. Water-soluble stains are best treated with more warm water, so you might as well rinse the stained area with some more water.

6. Repeat these steps as needed. Depending on the area and severity of the stain, you may need to repeat the above steps. Repeat the whole process until the stain comes off. Repeating once or twice should remove most of the stains

7. Dry the carpet. Leave the carpet in a damp state for more than 24 hours, bacteria may grow on it, so remember to dry it after cleaning. Use a hairdryer or bath towel to dry the carpet to your satisfaction. The stains will be removed at the end.